Welcome to the Fine Dog Living weekly newsletter – curated content from the FDL Facebook group + a little editorial riffing by me, Lisa Murnan.
What to look for in a groomer
Savannah L. asked: “I’ve never had to hire a groomer before. I’ve always done my own dogs. My 10-year-old retired Border Collie is living with my parents though and they have asked me to find them a mobile groomer who will come to the house and bathe/brush/dry her for them.
A. How do I find a good one? She’s definitely not geriatric yet, but she is having a slightly harder time getting up/down and she’s deaf. She’s been my partner in crime for years though and deserves to be treated with the utmost dignity/respect especially in her old age.
B. Is it in poor taste to ask to watch the first time? My girl is very well behaved and won’t be neurotic/needy regardless of if I’m there. She won’t care either way, but I’d like to see their process.
C. What can we expect to pay for a bath, blow-dry, nail grind, and brush out? I do NOT want her shaved, but occasionally she does need her butt fluff tidied to avoid issues when her stomach gets upset. They’re in St. Pete FL area if that makes a difference.”
Google groomers in the area and then comb through their social media to see their work and environment. You can tell a lot from the background of their pictures. Choose who you like and has good reviews, then call in (preferably midday on a weekday, so they aren’t slammed), say you’d like to become a client and explain your hopes and expectations. Set them up on a schedule and you should be good to go! I will say that the vast majority of groomers do NOT want the owner there, especially not for the first time. It usually makes the dog even more anxious and prevents the dog from bonding with the groomer one on one. The pandemic is also making that more and more of a hassle. Also...then your groomer might not be able to listen to their trap music or murder podcasts, or gossip about their ex. Which sometimes is the only thing that makes me show up for work. 😆 I’m in Maryland, but we’d charge about $40 for all that. They also get a bow tie or bandana.
I groom professionally. Ask vets, go to the national dog groomers association website and find certified groomers in your area. My advertising is strictly word of mouth. A good groomer isn’t cheap and a cheap groomer isn’t good. My border collie bath and brush outs are $65.00. NO DEMATTING. Dematting is extra. $1.00 a minute. I don’t mind people staying however it takes longer. Therefore a higher charge. Your mobile groomers will be more because they have a mobile fee. I am in Wyoming.
A) I’d ask locals for recommendations. Who do your parents’ friends use? B) yes, that strikes me as odd and would likely make the groomer uncomfortable (if there’s even space for you in a mobile grooming van to watch) C) in northern Virginia I pay $85 for that at a physical location (for a 28 lb floofer) The mobile groomers started at $110. Tip would be another 10-15%. Any groomer should be able to give you a ballpark cost on the phone. FWIW, the mobile places here aren’t taking any new clients since due to covid their requests have skyrocketed. If you’re set on mobile, you may want to grab a slot with anyone who has availability!
We are not mobile and located in IL so our prices are likely much cheaper. We'd probably charge $45 for a bath package like you mentioned (no trimming). Trimming would probably be $55. This is for a medium sized dog. Also, I would feel really odd about having owners stay and watching me, but I don't actually do the grooming. I just work reception and boarding. The groomer doesn't mind if owners stay but she's a very social person. I'd just make sure you trust the groomer. Check reviews and watch how they approach and interact with your dog when they meet. I think that should help ease your nerves instead of watching over them while they groom, but that's just me. 🙂
As a groomer I can’t do my job properly and efficiently when someone is watching me. I need to focus on the dog and not the pressure of someone watching my every move. It makes me nervous (even though I’m 100% confident in what I’m doing) which then makes the dog nervous and uncooperative. Please don’t do that to your groomer 🙂
I would think $40-80 for what you described. Very few groomers will let you watch because there are too many crazy owners that ruin it for everyone else 😂 One of the issues I know they have with people watching is that many people hover or distract the dog, which can be dangerous when you have sharp shears.
In Miami FL I charge $100/hour with $60 minimum per dog! Typically we don’t allow clients to stay in with the pet. It makes the dog more anxious and we are in the middle of a pandemic so def don’t think anyone would be comfortable being in such close proximity with a new person! You can find reputable groomers by checking out the NDGAA (national dog groomers association of America) list of registered groomers. There is no licensing required to say you are a dog groomer, so those that spend the time and money and travel to finish their certifications are going above and beyond and likely have extensive show or competition experience…. And like everyone said, biggest thing is to trust your feelings! Talk with them, see how, you vibe with them, ask if they have a portfolio on Instagram or other social media, etc! 😊
Dog bathing hacks
Kayla M. wrote: “I have three Silken Windhounds and bathing all in a row kills my back! I want all of the hacks to make my life easier when it comes to bathing them lol”
(I have 2 Golden Retrievers who get way less baths than they should for this very reason!! Yes, bring on the hacks, please!)
Get yourself a Booster Bath. 🙂 They're great – don't require installation, can be used inside or out, not expensive...
Booster Bath on Chewy ($129-$199 depending on size)
Get a raised tub or table to put in the shower. Or use a self serve wash station (like at some car washes, Petcos, pet supplies plus, tractor supply, etc.) 🙂
If you’re able to bathe them outside I highly recommend a Booster Bath and also one of these little things that connects to a hose - makes bathing so much easier
If you're using the tub in your house, get a knee pad and bathe them on your knees. Or a bath seat and sit on it.
I use a folding table outside. It’s perfect height
Another vote for Booster Bath. I used to bathe with my dogs on a grooming table. And I’d get soaked. BB prevents that, and you can tether the dog (but NEVER leave it unattended). I’ve had my BB for more that 10 years. I got this gizmo about a year ago and it’s FANTASTIC. I can rinse in about 1/2 the time.
Flying Pig raised tub fits into my bathtub much better than the Booster Bath, which had to straddle the tub walls. A raised tub (and long hose on detachable shower head) was a game-changer for me to combat aching back and knees washing multiple corgis in the bathtub!
I put a Klimb in the shower and bathe while kneeling 🤷♀️ works for us!
I have a decent sized shower and I put a Klimb table in the shower and use a long hose that’s attached to my shower head. My dogs standing on the Klimb table is a good height for me
Take 2 ibuprofen before you start bathing them
Peaceful puzzle toys
Rebecca I. wrote: “Anyone have recommendations for puzzle toys that don’t sound like the world is ending when you use them on a hardwood floor?”
(One of my Dutch Shepherds LOVES metal bowls…although not a puzzle toy, I can totally relate to the “world is ending” part.)
💸 Note: As I was finding the photos/links for all these toys, it became clear that Chewy and others are having huge sales right now - almost every one of these toys is on sale! 💸
The Snoop! (Note: there were LOTS of votes for the Snoop!)
This one [Busy Buddy] is a hard rubber, it’s fairly quiet. I have a wimpy dog who is afraid of the noise the hard plastic ones make 😆 And there’s a huge range for adjusting the difficulty, which is also nice
This one [Starmark Puzzle Ball] is quieter. It's hard-sided, so it isn't silent, but it's coated in rubber so it makes less noise. I like it; it takes a long time for the dog to get all the food out, it's easy to load and clean, not too easy to chew, and isn't too hard or too easy for the dog.
I'm a big fan of the Nina Ottosson puzzles. They're available on Chewy and other sites. My dogs love them and they're not noisy. Unless you have an asshole cattle dog who gets frustrated and picks up the entire puzzle and throws it down the stairs. Or so I've heard. 😆