Welcome to the Fine Dog Living weekly newsletter – curated content from the FDL Facebook group + a little editorial riffing by me, Lisa Murnan.
Don’t eat the yellow snow!
Natalie S. posted: “FDL: When your boyfriend puts dog poop and pee in the snow yard of his gingerbread house 😄”
Natalie told me that this was all her boyfriend Jeff’s idea. I like your style, Jeff!! FDL stamp of approval! 🏆
Palatial bed
Dani N. wrote: “Fine Dog Living is connecting a king size and a queen size bed into one so there's room for your two great danes 😂”
My first thoughts: 1) This is hilarious, 2) This is amazing, 3) What do they do for bedding? 🤔
Some of your thoughts:
Yep...that is fine dog living
I have a pet sitting client that has 2 California king beds put together for the English mastiff lol
We have two connected Queen beds and only one ACD that sleeps in the bed 😂
Why didn’t I think of that? Best.Idea.Ever.
How do people have rooms big enough for this? 😳😳😳
Do they still sleep on top of you? Mine always want to be right next to me!
Not big enough for two standard dachshunds, they may be short but they be l o n g....
If I did this, my Border Collie would still manage to take 3/4 of the bed. 😂
Does no one fall in the "crack"?
That's down right palatial! FDL, indeed!
That is some very fine, fine dog living!! 😁❤️❤️
First post and she’s already got FDL drooling
Lindsey H. wrote: “I just found this group, but I’ve had people say my dog room is FDL! I included some photos from when we first moved in and then the updates I’ve made since. I’m hoping to get another crate table built soon to organize better and get more off the floor.”
Bars and hooks are from IKEA (Lindsey says “Cheap and easy to assemble. I love them.). Short orange and yellow leashes are from West Coast Leash
My god. It’s beautiful. 🤩
Obsessed 😍
Oh my gosh this room is goals
Okay you HAVE to work in the animal industry
[Lindsey] Lol yeah, vet med.
OMG!!! And your Rex specs collection 😲🥰
So am I the only one feeling sorry for our pets right now? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is the most beautiful room I have ever seen!
I have such jealous right now!! Your dog room is GOALS
How has no one asked how you keep the dogs from enjoying the delicious free tootsie rolls?
[Lindsey] We’ve since invested in litter genies so I scoop solids into it in between full changes. Otherwise they would help themselves 😂
And here are Lindsey’s lucky dogs. ❤️❤️❤️
Fine dog (lady) footwear
Terry R. wrote: “How about some suggestions on footwear for the fine dog ladies who are on their feet training dogs (indoor concrete but matted floors) most all day!?! What do you like? What do you hate? Sometimes I like easy on and off. IL winter so in and out with snow. Waterproof is a bonus for slush and early morning dew when we track.” (Later added that she’s gotta be able to run in them)
Salomon! Waterproof. They have a ton a different styles. I have a hard time with sneakers…I have speed cross 4 with ortholite solomons and my insoles are STSVZORR (yes that’s correct) aerospace arch technology.
I wear Bistro Crocs! They're meant for wear in an industrial kitchen environment so don't have the holes in them, are cushioned, and have a grippy sole. I wear them on my feet at daycare all day every day!
Taos sneakers are the best. Walk, run, teach on concrete all day. Don't even use my custom orthotics anymore, the support is so good in these. I look at their online store and buy when what I like goes on sale, usually. Sorry can't help much with outdoor/tracking boots. Got a great pair at Sierra Outfitters years ago and still wear them, but not hiking much anymore. Oh and Sorel slippers are great for quick ins and outs. Mine usually last 3 years or so.
I second the Taos sneakers recommendation…these are the exact ones I have, the Moc Star. I wear them all day at disc dog competitions and they’re so light and comfortable, with good arch support. ($89.95 at Zappos)
I personally find a change in footwear midday to be extremely pleasant. I always have 2/3 pairs in the car. I wear easy slip on boots to and fro, I am respectful of indoor spaces esp those with nice turf, I never wear outdoor shoes. I have a pair of Salomon xr missions for this purpose. When my outdoor competition shoes die, I shift down the indoor shoes and buy new. I find it very helpful to switch to a sandal type shoe between runs, crocs, Birkenstock’s, etc. When I was working in clinic 14+ hours a day, I would wear a more structured pair of athletic shoes until lunch, then crocs for an hour or two, then a different pair of runners, with much less form and support until close. I’m not a foot scientist, but it worked for me
Hoka One One. I also love Altras, but if I'm on my feet all day, I wear the Hokas.
I second Hoka, will switch to Brooks but on days I know I will be on my feet, it's Hoka.
I have a chronic pain condition that most often affects my feet, and my jobs in the last couple years have included aircraft carrier tour guide (miles and miles of walking on steel floors each shift), zoo educator (hours of walking and standing on concrete), and zoo & aquarium keeper (lots of running around and working on wet concrete and regularly washing off gross animal stuff from my shoes). I absolutely swear by my Keen Targhees, especially with Superfeet or Tread Lab insoles. Obviously I always wore boots when working with live animals, but anytime I tried to wear my good running shoes for a shift at either of my other jobs, I regretted it after the first couple hours.
Women’s Targhee II Waterproof Mid ($140 on keenfootwear.com). I have these, too, and love them. They have lasted for years and were the only thing I could wear for months when I had tendonitis in my arch. Great support.
Ok- not shoes but socks. Back on Track makes human recovery socks that saved me in agility. I used to just be crippled after a weekend of agility- huge change after buying these, huge. They only make calf length black color though- I wish they made shorter ones