FDL genius life hacks – Issue 6
Best of FDL 10/26-11/1: poop bags on your feet, frisbee lunch plates, beautiful fencing, diamonds + dremels
Welcome to the Fine Dog Living weekly newsletter – curated content from the FDL Facebook group + a little editorial riffing by me, Lisa Murnan.
Halloween spirit
Noelle D. got us in the Halloween spirit this week with this great photo. She said: “This is probably my peak fine dog living. Taking my own photos while playing disc with my dog in matching costumes. 🤣”
Your timing was PERFECT, Noelle!!!

Genius use for poop bags
Ever been to a competition where it rains? Or when there’s dew all over the ground in the morning and you have to trek across the grass (which for some reason seems especially long that day) to the registration tent? And then your feet feel awful the rest of the day?
Well, CJ F. saw a cure for that at the Tar Heel Dia De Los UpPerros disc competition in Chapel Hill, NC – just slip some (unused 😂) poop bags over your feet under your shoes!

Diamonds are a dog girl’s best friend
In Issue 4 of the FDL newsletter we talked about diamond bit nail grinding tools and how groomers swore by them.
Lucky ducky Nicole N. was gifted with one by her husband this week “just because 🥰.” Good job, Nicole’s husband! (How did he know?????!!)

Some hilarious responses:
Does he have a MUCH older brother??
I showed my SO this and asked why he doesn't love me 🤣
Now that’s true love!
Best kind of diamonds!
The diamonds that dog girls really want
Don’t get too excited. If he’s anything like mine, he bought a new truck or something lol
Kayla F. also got a new diamond bit grinding tool this week (I’m telling you, it’s a trend!).
She said, “I made the most ‘fine dog living’ purchase ever this week and I am SO EXCITED!” (Hers is the Diamagroove Boxer, purchased at Whitman’s for $150.)
Her review: “I love it!!! I literally have to change out the sand board once after doing 4 dogs’ nails. This takes way less time, smells way less awful, and is easy to maneuver around their nail to shape it!”
And finally, a word of caution from Amy L. “FDL is not forgetting to put your hair in a bun not ponytail when doing dog nails. Dremels do not look good as hair extensions.”
OMG! 😮 (I have long hair and could totally see this happening….)

Many clearly could identify and sympathize:
This has happened to me twice now ☠️
I’ve done this twice at WORK 😂😂
I have been there more times than I want to admit.
I caught my hair and pulled out a chunk once!
Lol I have done this before but right at my forehead. I thought I was going to have to shave it 😄😂
I have done this. In fact, my friend Has a pic of it and likes to show it to me and laugh from time to time 🤣🤣
A fear, good reminder 😅
FDL...using your dog’s frisbee at an agility trial as a lunch plate
Sherri C. showed off another great FDL life hack – using a disc as a very sturdy sandwich plate. I have actually done this at barbeques at my house (it’s usually all dog people at my house anyway, they didn’t mind).
That looks like a pretty nice setup you got there in general, Sherri! For all of you in love with her Clam canopy, you can buy it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S3DP39K/

Alex D. posted “FDL is putting up rope lights on the dog yard fence 😍”
Over 400 people agreed! (Here’s the original post: https://www.facebook.com/groups/finedogliving/permalink/3491519904270835/)

If you want to copy this look, the panels are retriever brand kennel panels from Tractor Supply (bracketed to the house and barn), and these lights from Amazon (warm white color): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PFRGT6M/
Alex said “It cost me roughly $1,000 to fence this space.“ 😮😮😮
Some of the comments:
Brilliant and totally stealing!
I like how you made your own fence. This will likely be in my future 😂 15k on a fence for our house isn’t in the budget right now.
Meme of the week
Thanks, Rhea H. for posting!

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